A founding member of the Electric Light Orchestra, which was launched in Croydon, has been killed by a giant bale of hay.

Michael Edwards, 62, was crushed in the freak accident last Friday after the 50 stone bale smashed into his van as he was driving along the A381 in Devon.

The hay is thought to have fallen off a farmer’s tractor, careering down a hill before falling over a hedge and smashing into cab of the van.

Police identified the cellist, who lives Totnes, through pictures and footage on YouTube. They are appealing for members of his family to come forward and have located a brother David in Yorkshire.

The ELO played their first live concert in the Fox and Hound pub in Croydon on April 15, 1972.

Mr Edwards was part of the rock orchestra until 1975 contributing to its massive success with 50 million records sold worldwide.

A tribute on the ELO’s website reads: “While his accomplished cello playing was invaluable to ELO’s live orchestral sound, Mike quickly became a crowd favourite with his on-stage clowning, infectious grin, and on occasions, an exploding cello and a rather unique solo that involved playing his instrument with a grapefruit.

He left the band in 1975 and became a buddhist settling in Totnes to teach music. He was a founding member of the Devon Baroque Orchestra.

The Health and Safety Executive is investigating the accident. Police have spoken to the farmer that owns the field where the bale is thought to have fallen from.

Inspector Andy Hamilton, of Devon and Cornwall police, said: "Although it would appear to be a freak incident, we've got to thoroughly investigate the circumstances before we can draw any conclusions."