With one matinee and two evening performances, the Alternata Theatre Company managed to pull off a horrific second series of “The Grand Guignol – Return to Pain!”


The original Grand Guignol takes place in Paris, the French capital. Directors of the Kent University version, Josh Hinds and Alia-Mitchelle Supron, took their inspiration from these French performances. Writing and directing, the two young Drama students managed to cast nine young people in their short plays “Case 53” and “A Mother’s Love”.

Both plays involve a series of unfortunate events, including misguided sexual tension, loathing hostility and strangling. Lovely. All of which quickly escalate to the deaths of ‘innocent’ souls.


Though the gruesome and horrific climaxes may shock audiences, they certainly entice as the theatre company-currently based in Canterbury- talk about the possibility of putting the blood-bath on tour and coming to schools throughout Surrey and Kent.

“It’s certainly something to think about” Says Hinds, one of the two young playwrights whom wrote and directed ‘A Mother’s Love’ himself. “Though we’ll need to let the cast have a breather, it will be excellent to expand our audiences and to get a grips of a regional reaction to such stories as the Grand Guignol”.


As to when, that still remains on the cards. But it is safe to say theatres and schools should mind their backs for this up and coming series of horrors.