French film The Frozen Chain won the best film award at Wimbledon Shorts on Saturday night, while Merton directors Mick Arnold, Tara Manadhar and David O'Neill all scooped prizes.

Samuel Hercule and Metilde Weyergans' musical effort The Frozen Chain follows Francois as he browses the frozen food aisle after work and then discovers a revolutionary excuse to protect himself from tiresome people in the street - he has to get the food home before it defrosts.

The audience award on the night went to Arnold, who's Panini football stickers inspired film There's Only One Bob Latchford - starring Crystal Palace manager Neil Warnock - was voted the best of the 16 offerings by those at the Polka Theatre.

Manadhar and O'Neill's documentary on Wimbledon dog track, Companion of Kings, won the Merton Heritage Award while the best animated film went to Rowan Gray's Umbilical.

The student film maker award was given to Norwegian Stian Hafstad for his nine-minute long effort Nemesis.

All the films will be shown again at a special event for Abbeyfest, held at Merton Abbey Mills on August 15 and for Wimbledon Film Club's next event, see