The Edinburgh Previews continue at Wimbledon Studio this week with 2008 Hackney Empire New Act of the Year winner Fergus Craig and his new show, Fergus Craig Still Watches Neighbours in which he shows his favourite clips from the Aussie soap, some home movies and says some funny things. Here he answers our questions....

Where do you live? Stoke Newington.

How long have you been gigging for? As a stand up, just under 9 months. But I started doing gigs as part of a double act (Colin and Fergus) 6 years ago.

What do you do? Not sure really. I just try and say things that I think are funny. Sometimes I move about a bit too. I throw in the odd facial expression if I'm getting paid well.

Who makes you laugh? Harry Hill, Mitch Hedberg, Daniel Kitson, Steve Martin, Cowards, Summer Heights High, Chris Morris and my mate Dave McNeil.

At which London venues do you normally appear? I run my own night called Toadfish Tuesday at Lowdown @ the Albany. Other than that, I go all over. I have a few 99 Club gigs booked in.

What is your favourite London venue? I really like Up The Creek in Greenwich. It's a proper comedy club. Sunday nights are always good there and it still can have that same unpredictability that came from Malcolm Hardee.

What are you/should you be famous for? I have been hit by three different cars on three separate occasions.

What is your placing in the Top Million Comedians League? I find ranking comedians very funny. I would say I am ninety fourth without a shadow of a doubt.

Which celebrity do you look like? Wesley Snipes.

Whose sex face would you least like to see? Gore Vidal's.

Fergus Craig Still Watches Neighbours, Wimbledon Studio, The Broadway, June 30, 7.30pm, £10. Call 0844 871 7615 or visit

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