There are two Edinburgh Festival comedy previews for the price of one in Twickenham this Thursday as a trio of comics, Tom Craine, Bobby Carroll and Tyson Boyce, perform at the Back of the Cabbage Patch club, writes Will Gore.

Craine will be previewing his show, Comfort Blanket, swiftly followed by Carroll and Boyce’s provocatively titled Someone Will Leave Pregnant and Bleeding. Tickets for this double-bill at the club in the Cabbage Patch pub cost a staggeringly reasonable £3.

Comfort Blanket is Craine’s first Edinburgh solo show and is about the things we all cling to for reassurance when we are feeling nervous or vunerable.

He explains: “It is a discussion of various scenes, such as security at home and people who find comfort in different things like nostalgia or relationships. I am quite a worrier and had a bit of a sheltered upbringing – it is not going to be the most laddish show on the Fringe this year.”

Does Craine have a comfort blanket of his own?

“My comfort blanket is that at the age of 27 I still suck my thumb. I jam it into my mouth whenever I am worried. I managed to stop when I was about six or seven – I manned up and thought, it’s time to take life by the horns and deal with it. Then, at the age of 21, the stress of university, or something like that, drove me back to the thumb.”

Craine will be honing his material at the Back of The Cabbage Patch before heading up to Scotland for his festival run. He has some experience of the Edinburgh Fringe, having performed a short set in the AAA comedy showcase last year – but is he nervous about facing the festival crowds?

“It is nerve-wracking but I am also looking forward to it,” he says. “If you weren’t a bit nervous, you wouldn’t work as hard at it. Doing the AAA show for 27 nights in a row helped tune me in to the festival and the audiences.

“Doing a solo show is different to a 20-minute club gig – because people have chosen to give you an hour of their time you can afford to be a bit more personal and, hopefully, it will suit my style well.”

Craine will also be performing in the sketch troupe Super Clump at the festival and has recently written a pilot comedy show for Radio 2 that he will star in alongside Alistair McGowan later in the year. But it is his Comfort Blanket that is his main focus at the moment.

He adds: “I’d really like to tour Comfort Blanket after the festival, as long as it goes well and is not a complete farce!”

After Craine’s show, Someone Will Leave Pregnant and Bleeding will bring a swift change of gear to the comedy night. As the title suggests, the easily offended would be best advised to cover their ears as Carroll and Boyce explore some dark subjects in as profane a manner as possible.

Tom Craine, Bobby Carroll and Tyson Boyce @ The Cabbage Patch, Twickenham, July 2, £3, 7.30pm, visit