When watching TV dramas,especially 'soaps',it amuses me to listen out for the various bird calls and animal noises that producers have dubbed over soundtracks to lend atmosphere.

Scenes at night are predictable with the usual tawny owls hooting and the instantly recognisable same old recordings of the barking fox and dog that have been used for decades!

But with daytime winter scenes out doors producers often get it wrong and it seems any old birdsong will do regardless of season. Acceptable during winter are songs of robins, calls of crows, gulls and unfortunately parakeets all of which vocalise in the colder months.

Recently when watching I have identified chaffinches and blackbirds (pictured) in full spring flow together with screaming swifts that left our shores in early August and twittering swallow, and all this in October and November programmes the storylines of which are supposed to be current!

Perhaps a little leeway can be granted as no doubt some episodes are filmed weeks ago but lovers of birdsong can have fun trying to recognise species involved when watching their favourite soaps. There could be a few surprises in store!

Meanwhile, I look forward to hearing my first songthrush and blackbird not on television but in the garden or close at hand as they could begin singing any time now.