Mid-life crisises are the butt of many a funny farce and it's no different with Southfields Theatre Group's new production, Forty.

The amateur dramatics club are still very young and have just one pantomime from 2009 under their belts so far, but this new production promises to be the launch pad to bigger things.

"It's a farce that revolves around a woman who is celebrating her 40th birthday," says member Michelle Worthington "She sort of has a bit of a loss of confidence and feels that life and sexual adventure have passed her by.

"Helping her celebrate the occasion are her bewildered husband, her man-mad elder sister, her couldn’t-care-less daughters, her nutty naturist neighbours and a gay suitor.

"It's just funny."

The farce is taken from the play written by Sue and Clive Read and is the group's follow-up to their pantomime performance of Cinderella at St Mark's School in January.

"That was our first performance and we are very much a local group trying to attract local talent and local people," says Michelle.

"This is the first time we have done a performance other than panto and it's just a bit of fun really.

"We are just trying to do some more productions and later this year we will do another panto and then next year do something a bit more serious maybe.

"Anyone interested in acting or the other aspects that go with the production are very welcome to get in touch as we are looking for new blood to strengthen the group.

"We meet every Wednesday at the Baptist Church Hall in Southfields."

Forty, Upstairs at The Earl Spencer, Merton Road, July 2 to 4, 7.30pm, £6. Call Helen on 07808 401188.