My wife and I were delighted to receive an invitation to a private view of the Sunshine in Suburbia exhibition at Croydon Clocktower.

I never imagined what memories would come flooding back that evening. I was also pleased to find I was part of the exhibition of Croydon's past.

Photographs of me when I was just a lad with my father and grandmother on holiday were there.

The pictures, I remember, were taken on a box Brownie, our first camera which was lost in an air raid.

The group of musicians in attendance that evening brought back memories also. Particularly of the times when I used to run back from the Acc and Tab factory to get changed so that I could join a local band as vocalist.

I often wonder how I fitted it all in. Our evenings out are few and far between these days, but what en evening the Sunshine in Suburbia exhibition was.

To be included in such an exhibition really was sunshine for us.

PAT AND WALLY PLUMMER High Street Thornton Heath