Twittering police in a festive mood have come up with the tag #DeckTheCells to spread jokes, carol-inspired rhymes and vital safety and security information.

Surrey Police Twitter account also put out an update yesterday using the tag #ChristmasCracker to say stolen lampshades had been recovered but no light shed on who was responsible.

Police on Sunday tweeted: "Follow our festive tales, falalala lalalala♪♪ Of those we’ve booked into our cells falalala lalalalaaaa♪♪ #DeckTheCells"

Police have also put out their own Christmas message with a link to an interactive tree that gives tips on how to prevent crime.

One update about Operation Yuletide, which tackles anti-social behaviour over the festive season, starts with "Surrey has some great bars - including the ones in our cells!"

The force caused a flurry on Twitter last week when they warned about dangers of icy roads in the words of American rapper Vanilla Ice.

Police started: "#IceIceSurrey #IceIceSurrey Alright stop, Colloborate and listen, Ice is back and these roads are glistening."

And then finished up by saying "If ice is a problem, yo, you can solve it. Check out this link while my DJ revolves it" linking to a web page with safety advice under a photo of a crashed car.

To check out the Christmas message visit: and you can follow Surrey Police on Twitter @SurreyPolice.