I am very disappointed to see the Conservatives are denying us wheelie bins. I live in Flaxley Road, Morden and every Monday have a nightmare putting black sacks out for collection and the mess that is left on the pavements where animals are ripping the bags open.

It not only looks unsightly, it causes real problems especially in the summer with the flies, wasps, etc. It is so environmentally unfriendly. Every other borough has the bins and they are used properly with paper in one and refuse in the other.

Comments that members of the public do not use these bins properly are just another poor excuse. I have many friends with these bins and it makes their lives so much easier.

Many Merton customers have animals of their own and find it a nightmare to put the sacks in a place to stop these sacks from being opened while waiting for collection. The amount of council tax we pay should be spent on things which I feel includes wheelie bins.

Come on Conservatives, put our hard earned money to good use and let the Merton public have what it most needs - wheelie bins.