It was a pleasure to read Councillor Mary Burstow’s letter haranguing me for my predisposition of being prudent with the public's money.

Her rant demonstrates the whole problem with the Lib Dem political elite , the class above immune from the real world.

Mrs Burstow  forgets that she is totally funded by the tax payer, the house in Cheam, the clothes on her back, even the food in her tummy have been provided by the tax payer, I can see why she does not understand the concept of thrift because every penny she comes into contact with is a penny of other people's money and there is always more where that came from.

Councillor Burstow was bound to be shocked when I asked "do the half million pound list of jobs need to be done" it must be a surprise to her that we as a council need to balance a budget.

We have to shed the old Lib Dem notion that we can spend without consequence so of course it is right that full council needs to consider this unbudgeted expenditure at a time when services are due to be reduced yet further.

It will be good to hear Cllr Burstow's point of view first hand because as far as I recall Coun Burstow was not even at the meeting she has got herself  in such a flap about.

Must dash I am off to do my  real job in the real world.

Councillor Tony Shields
Sutton South Ward