A kind-hearted young girl has asked for all her 10th birthday presents to be given to charity.

Instead of writing a list of birthday presents Sascha Levy, from Putney, asked her friends and family to donate to The Pluto Appeal.

The appeal aims to raise £1.5million to buy a "da-Vinci" robotic surgical system for the Chelsea Children’s Hospital, the new children’s hospital at Chelsea & Westminster Hospital.

Sascha set up her very own fund-raising page with her own video and has now raised over £950 for the appeal.

Her original target was £200 but following the huge success, she ended up raising her target twice and is now hoping to raise £1,000.

Sascha said: "Every year our school chooses a charity to support and this is how I came across The Pluto Appeal.

"There was nothing I really wanted for my 10th birthday and so I asked my friends to donate to Pluto instead".

Munther Haddad, senior consultant paediatric surgeon, said: "I don't know many young children willing to be so selfless and thoughtful.

"Sascha is a remarkable girl and we're all very proud of what she's done."

If you would like to support Sascha, her page is www.justgiving.com/sascha-levy