An aspiring nine-year-old artist has been named as one of the best in Surrey.

Helen, who attends Manor Park Primary School, finished in third place in the World of Water environmental art competition run by Sutton and East Surrey Water.

After entering her school's art competition, the youngster went on to beat over 400 other entries from around the county.

The competition challenged youngsters to design a water inspired picture.

She said: "My design was inspired by my trip to a water activity centre, where I had a go at kayaking."

Three other Manor Park pupils were also highly commended by competition judges for their entries.

Manor Park Primary School head teacher Danielle Scarse, said: "I am so proud of the excellent standards achieved and how much effort they have put into their home learning."

Councillor Dave Callaghan, chairman of the Children, Family and Education Committee said: "I'd like to congratulate Helen for her outstanding achievement. She has done really well in a tough competition."