Wimbledon player coach Ben Marsden praised their former GB international Ben Hawes after his hat-trick helped send the Dons to the top of the
MHL Conference East.

Saturday’s 4-2 win over Holcombe, which included a Chris Gregg strike, saw Marsden’s men leap-frog the former leaders on goal difference.

Hawes, 32, left, who retired from international GB duty this week after more than 60 appearances, including three Olympic Games, has hit two Wimbledon hat-tricks in three weeks, bringing his season tally to 16.

Marsden said: “Ben has the ability to win matches. We know on his day he can bring out the goods.

“He is also a great influence on the team in both training and on the pitch.

“I think the others are inspired by his experience.”

Wimbledon now face a tough assignment on Sunday at King’s College against Indian Gymkhana, who are unbeaten in four league games, having not won any of their previous nine matches.

Marsden said: “They sacked the coach, and have recruited a couple of guys from Germany and Spain, so it is not going to be easy.”