A security guard accused of stealing a microphone set to be used by Robbie Williams has walked free after his trial collapsed.

Oliver Davis, 48, of New Barns Avenue, Mitcham, was due to stand trial over allegations he stole a £4,000 Beyer Strässer M800 microphone set to be used by Robbie Williams at a Royal Variety Performance at the Royal Albert Hall last year.

He had been working as a security guard at the time and had been on the job for just two days.

Mr Davis said he had taken the microphone, which was eventually recovered in a good condition, because he thought it was broken and would be thrown away.

Rastafarian Davis arrived for his trial at the City of London Magistrates Court yesterday, (February, 21) but because the Crown Prosecution Service had failed to produce existing CCTV evidence of the incident for the trial, the case was dismissed leading prosecutors to be accused of "total incompetence" by the chairman of the bench, Penny Hatfield.

Mr Davis was seen to smile, look up and put his hands together when he realised his case would be thrown out.

Speaking to the prosecutor Miss Ann Abel, the chairman of the bench, Penny Hatfield, said: "This is really completely unsatisfactory.

"This is no way for the CPS to conduct their businesses.

"We accept it’s not your fault but you are the unfortunately person who is in court and has to bear the brunt of that but please take it back.

"The bench is dissatisfied."