When Bastille front man Dan Smith takes the stage at Banquet Records next month, it will not be the first time he’s been inside the store.

“It’s nice to be able to play at Banquet,” he says. “I grew up in Southfields, where there aren't any record shops, so I used and to hang out in Kingston and I would go to Banquet. So to go back and play there is a bit nuts.”

Dan is the singer and principal driving force behind Bastille, a project he set up on his own, but has become a four-piece comprising guitarist Will Farquarson, Kyle Simmons on keyboard and drummer Chris Wood.

Although Dan admits to being a “control freak” when it comes to writing and producing music, it was never his intention to be a solo singer songwriter.

“I’d been writing and recording things by myself, but I wasn't comfortable doing things on my own, and wanted to get a band.” he says.

“I started rehearsing with some mates, we came up with the name, and started posting songs online. I’m still a bit of a control freak. We don't operate in the same way other bands who jam songs first.

“I like the creative freedom to try out stuff without having each person trying their own different thing. But when we play live we're a proper four-piece."

The band's instore at Banquet comes two days after the release of their debut album Bad Blood, and ahead of a UK tour in support of the record. It's a prospect that Dan finds both “exciting and terrifying at the same time.

“It's a bit mad," he says. “We’ve got a sold out tour in March, including two days at Shepherds Bush Empire. On the day the album comes out we're playing a 1,500 capacity venue in Preston.

“It’s definitely our biggest ever tour, but to be honest any gig we play is still a massive novelty to us, and we really enjoy doing the smaller acoustic things.”

Bastille play Banquet Records on Wednesday, March 6.

Visit banquetrecords.com for information.