Mayor of London Boris Johnson is challenging Croydon students to come up with new and innovative ideas to cut carbon emissions.

The 2013 Low Carbon Prize offers students the chance to win a share of £20,000 to turn their ideas into reality.

For the first time, 20 of the best runners up will be shortlisted for a chance to win a paid internship with leading industrial engineering firm Siemens, who sponsor the award.

The competition is open to students in further and high education institutes across Croydon and ideas should include the reduction of carbon emissions from London’s buildings, transport and energy infrastructure.

Applications will be judged by a panel of experts, including representatives from the Mayor's Office, experts in climate change mitigation and successful business leaders.‬

The winners will be announced at an awards ceremony at the Siemens Crystal on Thursday June, 13.

Mr Johnson said: “I am convinced that somewhere out there is the next big idea that will not only help us reduce our carbon emissions but also encourage huge investment and growth in the capital."

To enter the competition visit: