I’ve been thinking about shops and high streets this week. Yep, despite my hatred of shopping. A fact that bizarrely, caused quite a stir when I revealed it in a previous column.

Incredible isn’t it? In previous columns I’ve slammed the monarchy, hardline Islamists, the Olympics opening ceremony, bad pubs, buses, white poppies and “pointless” feminism – to name only a few – and the one thing that got everyone’s goat was saying, in passing, that I didn’t like shopping.

Another weary sigh from the sane man.

But having said all that, I still think anything to brighten up a grim high street and make it a nicer place for people to visit is a good thing.

Which is why – and I’m speaking as someone who used to live along Tolworth Broadway – I am in favour of the Tolworth Greenway plan.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand all the concerns.

Should the council be spending this much money in the middle of a recession for instance?

Well, it’s a fair point, but if the scheme is going to make the area more inviting then that could benefit small shops and businesses.

I’m also a fan of getting rid of those grim barriers that separate pedestrians from the road.

Some have called this decision “an accident waiting to happen” but, on most roads, people can cross where they wish – and the new scheme will include a 20mph limit.

The artist’s impression printed in last week’s Comet looked pretty good. But then, artist’s impressions always do don’t they?

You often see some architect’s grim apartment building made to look great in a night-time mock-up shot with all the flats’ lights on.

But in this case, fingers crossed, eh.