Decisions about the future of a former New Malden theatre will be made in the next few weeks.

Surveyors are currently assessing how much money it is going to cost to save Barton Green Theatre.

Kingston Environment Centre was expected to move in next year, but Kingston Council leader Derek Osbourne has admitted he does not know if that will happen.

He said: “We are still looking into how much that is going to cost – whether it is even economically viable doing anything there at all.

“If you spend more than the value of a property you might as well build something new, which we just don’t have the money to do.”

He also said that he believed if the building was considered suitable to save, then most interested parties would be able to come to a mutual sharing agreement.

Charity playgroup Acacia, currently based in Malden Wanderers Clubhouse, and disability charity Yadapa (Young and Disabled and Positively Artistic) have both expressed an interest in the site.