A host of major high street retailers including Westfield and Hammerson are putting their weight behind one of the town’s regeneration plans.

Croydon’s Portas Town Team (PTT) – a Government funded group to regenerate Croydon’s Old Town – has teamed up with Lloyds bank and Boots as part of charity Business in the Community’s new High Street Champions scheme.

Retail giants Westfield and Hammerson have also committed to helping the town’s Portas project.

Boots and Lloyds TSB, as high street champions, will work with Croydon’s town team to help small businesses in the Old Town area.

It will see senior representatives from the companies work with the council and community groups to help bring new shops, services and activities to the area.

They will also support the Portas Town team with advice on schemes such as bringing empty shops into use, small business loans, events, promoting the area and providing a stronger network of contacts the Town Team can use to get things done in the area.

The Portas regeneration scheme is being run in 27 towns around the country.

Croydon’s team was given £100,000 to inject life into the Old Town sector.

Croydon’s PTT wants to revitalise the market, set up a community hub, have a free Wi-Fi zone and set up a loan fund for market traders.

Peter Milcoy, a senior manager at Lloyds TSB, said they are looking forward to working with businesses.

Their aims include setting up a business clinic to advise small companies on business planning and producing leaflets telling people how to go about starting your first business or market stall.

Mr Milcoy said: “Hopefully we can provide extra support to businesses in Old Town.”

Westfield’s director of development John Burton said it was important for the retail giant to work alongside businesses outside of its £1bn redevelopment of the town centre.

He said: “The Croydon Portas pilot team have done a huge amount of work on their vision for the Old Town, which will help inform our scheme.”