Hundreds turned out to the mega rally against Heathrow expansion today, where Mayor of London Boris Johnson and MP for Putney, Roehampton and Southfields, Justine Greening, sent out a defiant message against plans for a third runway.

The two strong political figures gave speeches at the rally, alongside MP for Richmond Park, Zac Goldsmith and secretary of state for energy and climate change and MP for Kingston and Surbiton, Ed Davey.

Greening, the secretary of state for transport said: “There’s no room for any further expansion at Heathrow,. I think whichever way you look at it there’s no more room.”

She questioned supporters of the expansion and passionately told the crowd she would continue to fight against it.

The rally drew attention to referendums being conducted in Richmond and Hillingdon councils.

At the event in Barn Elms playing fields residents could cast their vote in an enormous ballot box constructed by Richmond Park Academy.

Mr Goldsmith said: “The Government's decision to reopen the debate over Heathrow expansion has angered residents of South West London and dismayed those who campaigned against it previously. The possibility of third and fourth runways was explicitly ruled out in both coalition parties' manifestos.”

People turned out with placards showing their feelings against Heathrow expansion, with slogans reading “Two’s company, three’s a crowd. No third runway.”

Boris took to the stage in typical fashion; making swathing, fancy remarks about London and Richmond borough and informing everyone he cycled from Islington on his trusty bicycle.

He shot straight into a tirade against the third runway plans and said he would make sure it never happened.

He said: “Let me tell you, if they got their third runway, it would not be enough for that ‘moluck.’ They would say we need a fourth runway.

Later he said: “They think they are secretly going to get that third runway but I can tell you, it’s not going to happen.”

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