A hospice care assistant is preparing to jump from a plane in memory of her inspirational mother, who died from cancer.

Sonia Kaur, who works at Princess Alice Hospice in Esher, is facing her fear of heights by taking part in a skydive for the hospice on September 22.

The care assistant’s mother, Gurcharan Bhandal, was a nurse at a care home and died after a six-year battle with cancer when Mrs Kaur was 14 years old.

Mrs Kaur has fond memories of her mother, who was also a dedicated fundraiser and once shaved off all her hair to raise £1,500 for the nursing home she worked at.

Mrs Kaur said: “She was and still is the bravest woman I have come across. She was a wife, mother, best friend, helping hand to all and a strong woman who fought cancer for six years.

“I burst into tears with the sudden realisation that I am my mother’s daughter. That is exactly the woman I want to be like when I grow up.”

Mrs Kaur, who has been working at Princess Alice for a year and two months, now hopes to give back to the hospice as her mother did to her nursing home.

To support her, visit justgiving.com/Sonia-Kaur2.