Merton's teenagers smashed GCSE records, despite fears tougher marking could see standards fall.

At the national standard, students achieving five A* to C grades, including maths and English, Merton saw a five per cent rise, to 64 per cent.

Against national averages 87 percent of students gained five A* to C, an improvement of three per cent from last year and almost 20 per cent than the national average.

Schols celebrating particularly spectacular improvement were Wimbledon College, increasing five A* to C grades by 13 points to 90 per cent, and with Maths and English by a huge 24 points to 80 per cent.

Head master, Adrian Laing, said: "We are extremely delighted with these outstanding results. I would like to congratulate all of our boys on their excellent results."

Harris Academy Morden which has been open for one year having taken over Bishopsford Arts College, saw 54 per cent of pupils achieve five A* to C grades, including English and maths, up 7 per cent on last year.

Sister school Harris Academy Merton saw a highly impressive 75 percent of students got five A* to C grades, including English and maths, up by 13 per cent on last year.

Merton Council cabinet member for education Councillor Martin Whelton said: "I am delighted with this performance, along with the continuing improvement in our results.

"I would like to congratulate all our students on their results, but also thank their teachers and families for helping them achieve their goal and ensure we continue to build on our track record of being among the fastest improving in England at GCSE level."

Private schools Kings College, who teach the international GCSE (IGCSE) and Wimbledon High recorded excellent results, once again marking them out as two of the most succesful schools in the country.

At Kings 76 per cent of pupils achiveed all A* grades, and 96 per cent achieved A* to A grades while at Wimbledon High 40 per cent of students gained all A* and A grades.

A quartet of Kings boys gained an outstanding 13 A*s and one A.

Head master, Andrew Halls, said: "We moved pretty well totally over to IGCSE some years ago. IGCSE has been better for King's boys, and they have shown that in style this year.

"I can't speak highly enough of both the teachers and the boys: together, they have broken all school records."

Students achieving five A* to C grades including Maths and English

Wimbledon College - 2013 - 80 per cent, 2012 - 56 per cent

Wimbledon High School - 2012 - 100 per cent, 2012 - 100 per cent

Raynes Park High - 2013 - 44 per cent, 2012 - 44 per cent

St Mark's Academy - 2013 - 52 per cent, 2012 - 56 per cent

Ursuline School - 2013 - 75 per cent, 2012 - 82 per cent

Harris Academy Morden - 2013 - 54 per cent, 2012 (as Bishopsford Arts College) 47 per cent

Harris Academy Merton - 2013 - 75 per cent, 2012 - 62 per cent

Rutlish School - 2013 - 64 per cent, 2012 - 74 per cent

Kings College - 2013 - 100 per cent, 2012 - 100

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Students at Raynes Park High celebrate their results.

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(L to R) Laura Keys, Kaviya Selvamanickam, Miranda Forrester, Helen West, Marlene Miglietti Anslemo, Ana Filipa Ferreira.