A supermarket moved its disabled trolleys after the Sutton Guardian took up customers' complains.

Rose Greig, who takes her disabled mum to the Tesco store in Oldfields Road, Sutton, contacted the Guardian after the supermarket moved disabled trolleys to a part of the car park a long way from the disabled spaces by the entrance.

Mrs Grieg said she complained to the store on numerous occasions but the trolleys remained in a position that meant she had to wheel her mum to the other end of the car park and then wheel her back on the road as the pavement was not wide enough.

She said: "It meant we had to travel much further than an able-bodied person would have to and we couldn't come back on the path so we'd be in the road and not undercover, which is horrible when it rains.

"I complained before but nothing seemed to happen. I spoke to someone on the phone and they said 'that's unacceptable, we'll get onto it straight away' but, again, nothing happened."

The Guardian took Mrs Grieg's complaints to Tesco last week and, despite receiving a reply saying there were no plans to move the trolleys, just days later the trolleys had been returned to a position in side the main entrance to the store.

Mrs Grieg added: "I went into the store and they were right there, where they used to be.

"On the way in I saw a man wearing a badge saying 'store manager' so I spoke to him and he said it was because someone had complained to the press. I told him that was me!"