Town centre manager Kingstonfirst has “seen the light” and renewed its membership to conservation group the Kingston Society.

The society, which promotes high standards of planning, conservation and design in the borough, had previously been informed by Kingstonfirst that it would not be renewing its £30 a year corporate membership.

But the organisation has had a change of heart and signed up for another year.

Kingston Society chairman Jennifer Butterworth said: “It has seen the better light. It did let us know it was not going to renew then it changed its mind. It is indeed fortunate.”

Recently, the society has been an outspoken critic of Kingstonfirst’s decision to remove three stallholders from Kingston Market.

Kingstonfirst said it has always seen great value in its membership of the society and wanted to continue to engage.

Annual membership to the Kingston Society costs £10 a year for individuals, £15 for couples and £30 for businesses. To join, visit kingston