A talented poet has been selected as one of five Londoners to write a collection of environmental awareness poems to be published by Dame Vivienne Westwood.

Philip Coales from Waddon, will write two poems that will be published in the limited-edition book by the fashion designer.

The 21-year-old who recently graduated from Oxford University, got involved in the 'Climate Revolution' poetry project through YouYou Mentoring, a scheme that aims to help develop poets and give them a springboard at the early stages of their careers.

Founded by Dame Westwood, the Climate Revolution encourages people to take action on climate change and do simple things in their daily lives, like signing a petition to save the Arctic, to try and save our future.

The poets have taken part in master-classes ahead of writing their poems for the book and they will perform their work at a Gala Poetry evening at Keats House- the home of romantic poet John Keats, on October 19.

Mr Coales said: "I'm truly honoured to be involved in this amazing project and once in a lifetime opportunity to learn from one of the world's most creative and truly original artists, Vivienne Westwood.

"It is encouraging to see such a big figure someone who is as well known as her to be really passionate about the cause."