Two sisters are to host a family fun day and run a half marathon to raise money for a mental health charity.

Antonia Rispoli, 27, and her sister Danielle, 26, will participate in Run to the Beat half marathon on September 8, in memory of their father Anthony, who took his own life after suffering from depression in February 2011.

To help meet their target of £2,000 they have also organised a family fun day that will take place at La Rioja in West Wickham High Street on August 31.

The fun day will a range of activities including a kids football competition, adults bingo, a cake sale and a bouncy castle.

There will also be a golden raffle with vouchers and a digital camera among prizes donated by a range of local companies including Iris and Christine Florist and Kidspace.

Money raised at the event and from sponsorship for the run will be donated to the Mental Health Foundation, a charity that offers support to people suffering depression or having suicidal thoughts.

Miss Rispoli said: "The response we have had so far has been truly amazing and Danielle and I are both so grateful.

"After what happened with our dad, it is still an emotional topic, but we hope by supporting the Mental Health Foundation we can help raise awareness of depression."