A policewoman who had a life-saving double lung transplant has returned from the World Transplant Games with two medals.

Witness care officer Lisa Muscutt collected two bronze medals in Badminton and Ten-pin bowling for Great Britain and Northern Ireland team in the Games in Durban, South Africa.

The Games attracted more than 1,000 transplant athletes from 55 different countries competing in 13 different sporting events between July 28 and August 4.

Ms Muscutt, who lives in Stoneleigh, Epsom, has worked part-time at Sutton police station since 1992.

The 40-year-old was born with cystic fibrosis and has struggled with ill health until she had a double lung transplant six years ago.

Her success followed her medal winning achievements at the British Transplant Games in Medway, Kent, in 2012 and Belfast in 2011.

She said: "Being able to compete in the World Games was like a dream come true and this would not have been possible if it was not for my donor who gave me this incredible second chance of life."

At the Games, the Great Britain and Northern Ireland team took home 243 medals and were presented with the Best Team Award.

Lynne Holt, team manager and trustee at Transplant Sport, said: "The World Transplant Games is a fantastic opportunity for athletes such as Lisa to share their story and inspire people to sign up to the NHS Organ Donor Register."

At these Games, which are open to anyone in the UK who has had any kind of transplant operation, Lisa picked up a total of seven medals for ten-pin bowling, badminton, ball throw, soft ball and volleyball.

To register on the NHS Organ Donor register, telephone 0300 123 23 23, text SAVE to 84118 or go to www.organdonation.nhs.uk to register online. Those registering are encouraged to discuss their wishes with their family and friends.