A suicidal man bit a policeman on the arm as he tried to stop him jumping onto a railway line.

Mark Layden, 19, was sentenced on August 14 after pleading guilty to causing actual bodily harm against a police constable at Croydon Magistrates Court.

Police were called to Carshalton Road on May 7 when a member of the public saw Layden on a wall ready to jump onto the railway tracks below.

He told police he was depressed and was trying to think of reasons not to throw himself off.

Officers attempted to talk to the man before pulling him to safety, but one was bitten by the teenager.

Layden has since apologised to the officer.

On 14 August, Layden, of Maldon Road, Wallington, received a community order to take part in an Education Training Employment activity for a period of 30 days.

He was also given a supervision requirement to attend appointments with a responsible officer over a period of six months. He was also required to pay a victim surcharge of £60.