A mobile CCTV van has been caught trying to ticket motorists while parked across a ‘no stopping’ zone outside of a primary school.

Jamie O’Hara took this picture of a civil enforcement officer (CEO) outside John Fisher Primary School, Grand Drive, Raynes Park on August 6.

Its driver was parked monitoring a 30 minutes-only lay-by used by shoppers of the small parade and parents to drop their children off.

Merton Council has previously defended the action of its CEOs stating they are legally permitted to park where necessary to safely carry out their duties, including on yellow lines and box junctions.

Mr O’Hara said: "Traffic enforcement likes to peddle the debatable opinion that its employees have the right to park illegally when necessary.

"It does raise the question that when so little care is given in the pursuit of money who will take the responsibility when the inevitable tragedy occurs?

"Will Merton still try to justify its mobile spy cars then?

"Or will it point the finger of blame towards the innocent motorist caught blind by its illegally parked vehicle?"

He added: "If the parking bay presents a problem then why not send a Parking Officer on foot?

"They would be highly visible and have time to educate and remind motorists on what Merton sees as the issues and danger of using this parking bay outside of the permitted hours."