At the beginning of the week I woke up and felt like everything was caving in on me.

Have you ever had that feeling? I just didn’t have the energy for anything apart from look after the children. It made me feel awful.

The house was a mess and I just didn’t have the time to clean so I had to draft in the help of a cleaner.

Not only that, clothes were piling up, paperwork needed attention and food was running low in the cupboards.

It was so unlike me, but maybe I’ve been putting too much pressure on myself to be the perfect wife and mother, when sometimes it just doesn’t go to plan.

My son has the most amazing meals and I end up eating a sneaky bar of chocolate.

I give my baby a massage and think I could do with one myself.

We go to the shops and buy the children clothes and toys and then run out of time to buy myself anything I need. I’m not complaining about it, as I totally adore my little ones and every moment I’m thinking about what they need and how I can make them happy.

However, I realised I do need to have “time out” and make sure I don’t neglect me.

So I’m back in control and have decided to restart going to pilates and also forced myself to read a book. I feel liberated. I need to set myself some goals and have organised a girls’ night out.

So we are back up and running, ready for action.

The cupboards have been replenished, clothes put away and important emails replied too. Phew.

Anyway I must go as my son has just offered me the last bit of his biscuit and some of his juice. I guess things aren’t that bad really!
