A specially designed crime map that predicts where burglars will strike next has been launched as part of a new police scheme.

Operation Bumblebee began last Monday and will run for three months, it will include a range of tactics in the hope of tackling crime in Wandsworth and all over London.

Crime maps are now being used by police within the scheme, each ward produces a map of risk areas and then data such as weather forecast and types of buildings in the area is inputted into a computer to produce the digital maps.

The maps create a good estimation of where burglaries will happen next and are exclusive to the police, allowing them to send officers to patrol the most high risk areas more thoroughly.

Although not 100 per cent accurate, it allows officers a clearer insight into where crime is happening at present so it can be prevented quicker.

Safer neighbourhood teams will raise the public’s general awareness of how high risk their area is through street briefings and surgeries offering guidance on how to keep their homes secure.

Another new tactic is that officers will approach second hand traders to carry out checks of their stock as well as allowing them to sign up to a voluntary agreement restricting the sale of stolen products.

This campaign has been running for 10 years to highlight the increase in burglaries, in particular during the winter season when the nights get darker sooner.

Commander Simon Letchford, lead for the operation said: "Operation Bumblebee will put the sting back into criminals. It will help us hunt them down and lock them up."

Burglary figures in Wandsworth have dropped from 281 in September 2012 to 239 this September.

Commander Letchford said: "Even with the lowest levels of burglary in years we think we can do more."

Residents can benefit from advice on how to stay protected from theft by visiting met.police.uk