I expect that you get lots of letters about parking issues in the Sutton area, but my experience of dealing with the council has been so poor that I feel the need to add to these.

On 17th June I started working at St Helier Hospital. I am not that familiar with the immediate area and had to park on Rose Hill estate.

Some weeks later, I got a penalty charge notice dated for 21/06/13 stating that I had parking with my wheels on the kerb outside of a bay in Tintern Road. I appealed this PCN on the grounds that the road markings on Tintern Road - as well as much of the estate - are worn away and it is not possible to be sure where parking is allowed.

Sutton Council rejected my appeal, so I sent a further appeal to the Parking Adjudicator to appeal against the decision.

I won that appeal - the decision made by PATAS is attached to this email, as well as their reasons for overturning the PCN.

I thought nothing of this, until I received a Charge Certificate, requesting the sum of £165 from me today for a PCN with the same number, which Sutton has now decided to date 26/06/13.

I actually find it difficult to comprehend how they can justify doing this, and a more suspicious minded person might think that they were trying to extort money from me. I certainly consider it to be harassment.

I would like to draw this to the attention of the paper though because if my PCN was overturned due to poor road marking on Rose Hill estate, then other people can expect to be able to successfully appeal any PCNs on similar grounds until they get round to updating their road markings.

Jenny Moore, via email