With regards to the purchase of the Worcester Park Tavern for a possible community centre for the Ismali community: the really positive thing already is that there has been an open meeting ahead of any planning application and we are hearing what their core beliefs are.

It would be useful to know what any group setting up in the area believes, whether Islamic, Christian or political.

However by this I do not advocate banning a group because I disagree with them.

It is unclear how many users would live locally but if they feel that Worcester Park would be a safe haven free within reason from racism that is something we need to be proud of.

There of course remains issues of parking etc but it is hard to imagine that there would be more cars or more noise than the large public house in the past, but that can be dealt with as appropriate when a formal planning application is made.

Compare this to the bank chambers application across the road where we remain unclear what the ideology of the applicants is.

If it is indeed the Ahle Sunnat Wal Jama'at as indicated by this paper then that group even managed to get itself banned in Pakistan, which is quite an achievement.

However the pattern of repeated applications and public hearings unfortunately mirror the situation at the Abbey Mills Mosque in in Newham which has now gone on for over 10 years and now reaching the High Court.

Matthew Connolly; Sutton Christian Peoples Alliance