In our household we no longer have three people with a voice, but now there are four.

This week the gurgling and laughing knob was turned up to full volume and it was a delight to hear. Well when I say laughing, it sounds more like a funny cackle which has us all in hysterics.

Our baby girl chats so much more than our toddler ever did at the same stage. Right now, however, my son is displaying more of his dad’s character traits and I’m being blamed for the little chatterbox who won’t stop squealing.

I have to admit, my boy does take after his dad in more ways than one.

Not only are they almost identical, but Elijah also has a cooking fascination like his Master Chef finalist dad.

This week all he wanted to do was play with the pots and pans and pretend he was cooking up a storm.

The intensity in his face was startling – it was as if he was actually cooking a pot of food for John Torode and Greg Wallace.

The pride on his face when he plated up his food for mummy and daddy was a sight to behold with both of us pretending to eat the best meal we’ve ever eaten.

He’s also started smelling food before eating it as if he’s testing the quality before it reaches his lips. He’s so cheeky.

But at least he loves eating, including food on my plate, which can be quite annoying especially when I’ve saved my favourite bit till the end, only to have it swiped off my plate without me noticing.

So yes, come to think of it, my son does in fact behave like my husband, but only one of them gets away with it!
