Sporty children and teenagers from Reigate and Banstead came top of the table in the Surrey Youth Games at the weekend.

The borough received 91 points while Epsom and Ewell finished seventh with 71 points and Mole Valley came tenth with 57 points.

Two thousand young people from across Surrey competed in a wide range of sports during the games held in Guildford.

Councillor Ros Mill, portfolio holder for leisure and wellbeing at Reigate and Banstead Council, said: "Our young competitors enjoyed a wonderful weekend of sport.

"To top the medal table with seven gold and seven silver medals was the icing on the cake. Winning was a great achievement by everyone involved."

Epsom and Ewell, the county’s smallest borough, managed to enter the largest number of teams.

Councillor Jan Mason, chairman of the leisure committee at the borough council, said: "Team Epsom and Ewell have done us proud!

"It is a real credit to our spirited young people, who turned out in force to take part in the free coaching sessions and the Games, to come home with such a great array of medals and memories.

"We have consistently entered more teams and unlike any other borough, we offer youngsters with varied skills and experience including those trying out a sport for the first time, a chance to represent Epsom amd Ewell, well done to all involved!"