An acclaimed comedian, who has starred in the likes of Mock the Week and Michael McIntyre’s Comedy Road Show, is preparing to deliver his one-liners in Epsom, writes Eleanor Virgo.

Canadian Stewart Francis moved to the UK in 2007 and has sold out venues here and across the pond.

He says the "star system" in this country has really helped his career take-off.

"Coming over to the UK eight years ago was the real turning point professionally for me.

"I’d been coming over for years as a part-time player but being here permanently lifted me to the level that I always felt I was destined for.

"It wasn’t happening in Canada because there’s not really a star system there, so the talented people have to go further afield to ply their trade.

"But I haven’t plateaued yet, and hopefully I’ll be in control of that and decide when to head off into the sunset."

Francis says managing to remember all his gags and tell them in the right order is the most tricky part of his comedy style.

"I approach it the way I do a script, so there are chunks that lead on to other bits while one joke will tell me that I’m at the end of a certain chunk.

"It’s the only way I can do it.

"But the beauty of being a one-liner guy is that while there’s a flow, I could still pop a joke in from the middle of nowhere that I might have forgotten to do earlier and it won’t be distracting."

The funnyman hopes to explore television but says: "The reality of the situation is that I have to keep doing what I’m doing.

"I’m not being maudlin in saying it’ll be my last tour.

"I’m hopeful that a sitcom comes along and all my creative energy goes into that."

Stewart Francis - Pun Gent; Epsom Playhouse, Ashley Avenue, Epsom; Thursday, April 16; 8pm; from £17.50; call 01372 74255; visit