Together we can make a difference There is a global recognition that we all have a role to play if we are to create a planet a fully sustainable planet.

Kingston Council is committed to working with the wider community to ensure that local residents and businesses have every opportunity to take make a difference in the Royal Borough.

Small changes in the way that we all do things can make a big difference. Kingston Council is aware of its role as a community leader and during the 2007/08 will be promoting a range of services which will encourage even more people to focus on Reducing, Reusing and Recycling.

In addition to the trial of new door to door recycling services at two and half thousand homes in Berrylands, during spring 2007 the Council will: Introduce a new green garden waste collection service.

Trial a refuse and recycling service for residents living in flats.

Expand the Borough's Special Collections service to increase the range of household items that can be collected from homes to be reused and recycled.

Continue to develop initiatives to encourage energy efficiency, sustainable transport, water conservation and biodiversity across the Royal Borough.

The support of residents and businesses is essential if we, as a community, are to be successful in developing truly sustainable lifestyles. Because it is us, as individual citizens, as community groups and as commercial organisations, who ultimately choose whether we use the bus or the car; recycle or waste; protect or destroy our natural resources.

Kingston Council will continue to provide and promote services that make it as easy as possible for us all to make a positive impact on safeguarding our environment. Together we can make a difference.

CONTACT DETAILS For more information about the environmental services provided by Kingston Council, telephone: Customer Services - 020 8547 5560