Police say the dispersal order in Walton town centre has been such a success at curbing drunken misbehaviour that they have extended it until August 31.

Officials are also considering using CCTV in Terrace Road and knocking down a wall in the St John's estate to discourage any wrong-doing.

A section 30 order allows police "to disperse two or more persons whose presence has or may result in members of the public feeling intimidated, harassed, alarmed or distressed or to remove anyone under 16 to their home address after 9pm".

But Peter Myson, who owns the Pen and Cob bookshop and lives in the area, said youths did congregate around the High Street on a Friday evening but he never knew the order existed, let alone seen any police act on it.

He said: "The youths have a less than friendly attitude but there are not enough police on the ground. I never see them, though the community officers do a good job."

Peter Kipps, Elmbridge Council's community safety partnership man ager, said CCTV was part of the long term strategy and the section 30 order was working.

He said: "Section 30 is not a long term solution but it has been effective, it has a bit of bite to it."

He said the removal of the wall, which is near shops, would help. He added: "The wall is not being used and youths congregate there."

He said schemes such as pubwatch, where pubs share information on known trouble-makers, were working but could be used more.

He called for pubs to get more involved and said the scheme needed to be extended to off-licences.

Since the order was enforced in December last year a number of people have been dispersed and two were arrested in January for failing to disperse when required to.

Young people have been driven home to their parents by police.