In-demand advice on all manner of personal safety issues is on offer thanks to Elmbridge Council, Surrey Police and Surrey Fire and Rescue.

The groups will hold advice sessions next Thursday and Friday, March 15 and 16, providing residents with all relevant information.

The first will be between 10am and noon at Ember Day Centre in Embercourt Road, Thames Ditton.

The second will run for an hour from 10.30am at Hersham Centre for Retired People, in Queen's Road, Hersham.

Community safety partnership manager Peter Kipps said: "We recently carried out consultation with retired people and found that 45 per cent would like the opportunity to drop in for advice or information.

"Crime prevention advice, antisocial behaviour and environmental issues were the top three issues raised."

Two more sessions will be held in April.

For more information or if you cannot attend but would like advice, call 01932 205533.