Streatham supermodel Naomi Campbell has vowed to stop her violent outbursts after attending anger management classes in New York.

The 36-year-old was ordered to complete a two day anger management programme by a US judge.

In January, Campbell admitted assaulting Ana Scolavino by throwing her crystal-encrusted phone at the maid during an argument about a pair of missing jeans.

She was also fined £185, and will complete five days community service, which will include mopping floors and sweeping corridor at a New York office.

According to the New York Post, she said: "I do honestly feel very sorry. I don't know if people will believe that. I mean I cannot believe I am sitting here.

"And, I have said it before, but this time I truly mean it. I feel sorry and I am really going to learn from my mistakes."

Of the day when she rowed with Miss Scolavino, she said: "I was angry. I was angry all day really, and then it just got to be too much.

"I threw my cell phone at a person, a person who worked for me. I don't know why I did that."

Campbell has attended anger management classes before and took a course in 2000 after attacking her personal assistant Georgina Galanis.