Two teenage boys have denied the murder of a 17-year-old who was found stabbed to death in Cambridge.

Jesse Nwokejiobi died at the scene after an attack near Logan’s Meadow, a small reserve next to the River Cam, on November 19 2022.

Two 16-year-old boys, who were arrested at properties and held in custody in Croydon last year, entered pleas of not guilty to murder in an appearance at Cambridge Crown Court on Friday.

Judge Mark Bishop remanded both defendants in custody and they are due to stand trial from July 31 at Huntingdon Crown Court.

The trial has a time estimate of 15 days.

Paying tribute to Jesse, Mr Nwokejiobi said: “When you see him, it’s hard not to like him. He’s got this infectious smile about him.

“He’s fun and very intelligent as well, in education he was one of the top in the school.”

He said Jesse was interested in studying medicine before turning his attention to electrical engineering.

“I think he has a bit of a fear of seeing blood, that’s what he didn’t like, I think that’s why he changed his mind,” said Mr Nwokejiobi.

“But overall, Jesse, what a tragic loss. I’m sure he had so much to offer to the world and his family.”