An ultra runner from London has smashed the record for the fastest woman to complete the Three Peaks Challenge, by 18 hours.

Imogen Boddy, 24, made history after she summited Ben Nevis in Scotland, Scafell Pike in England and Snowdon in Wales in just six days, five hours and 43 minutes.

This meant she broke legendary athlete Ann Sayers' previous record, which had stood for 45 years.

Throughout the challenge, Imogen took short ‘cat naps’ in a van driven by her parents - while consuming Starbucks frappuccinos and lollies to keep up her energy.

And when she crossed the finishing line on Tuesday (May 21), she capped off her remarkable achievement by having a Chinese dinner and putting her feet up.

Your Local Guardian: Imogen is lives in South London.Imogen is lives in South London. (Image: SWNS)

Meet the Londoner who broke the Three Peaks Challenge record 

Imogen, who lives in Clapham, South London, said: “It hasn’t really sunk in yet.

"We finished on Tuesday, and I’ve been dreaming ever since that I’m still running and kind of just been in and out of sleeping and eating. 

"But crossing the finish line was an incomparable feeling. It hasn’t really truly hit me yet – the enormity of what I’ve done. 

She added: "I haven’t really celebrated yet. I’ve been pretty broken, but we had a Chinese on Tuesday night. 

“I’ve just been sofa-bound ever since, elevating the legs and trying to get rid of any swelling.”

Your Local Guardian: She broke the record. She broke the record. (Image: SWNS)

Her proud mum Laura Boddy added that she thought her daughter was “mad” but was “super, super proud” of her remarkable achievement. 

The endurance event required Imogen to cover a total of 422 miles (680km), starting in Scotland and finishing in Wales, while taking on 10,000m worth of elevation. 

She had spent around a year training for the feat and travelled for a minimum of 120km per week on foot for nine months before she set off on May 15.

Imogen said one of the most gruelling aspects of the challenge was the hot spring temperatures, which she combated by consuming frozen lollies and iced drinks.

She said: “We obviously had the phantom heat wave that hit us and that seemed to travel with us.

Your Local Guardian: She broke the record by 18 hours. She broke the record by 18 hours. (Image: SWNS)

“I had Starbucks frappuccinos to keep my energy levels up but also I was eating and digging deep, there wasn’t anything else to it.

“On the last day, I did a 32-hour stint. That day we did two one-hour naps and one two-hour nap. 

"I was at rock bottom and I really needed it. But it wasn’t actually a planned nap."

Imogen became the youngest woman to run the length of the UK in 2022, completing the feat in just 22 days by covering 40 miles (60km) per day.

She said she was hoping to break more records in the future - and was looking to reach her prime in a decade or so.

Imogen added: “I just want to keep seeing where I can go with it. I’m very young for an ultra-runner. They usually hit their prime in their 30s and 40s. 

"So I’m young for it and I’m hungry for it so I’m just going to keep training hard and keep setting goals and seeing where I can go, basically.”

Chris Taylor, Imogen's coach and logistics manager, said her achievement was an "inspiration" to young people.

He said: "We are immensely proud of what Imo has accomplished. Her record-setting performance in the Three Peaks Challenge is a testament to her hard work, dedication, and the spirit of adventure.

"This achievement is not just a personal victory for Imo but an inspiration to young athletes everywhere."