A dog owner who ran away after his XL Bully shredded a man’s arm to the bone has been jailed. 

Christopher Moore’s enormous XL Bully savaged a dad who was walking through Pasley Park, Walworth, on his way to buy some baby milk. 

When Moore managed to regain control of his dog the victim, who had suffered life-changing injuries, asked him to phone an ambulance but Moore replied “sorry mate, I can’t” and ran away. 

When the incident drew widespread media attention the 40-year-old handed himself in at a police station but the XL Bully has never been found. 

Self-proclaimed “dog-lover” Moore has a history of dog offences – he has two previous convictions relating to attacks carried out by other dogs belonging to him and in 2021 he was fined for causing unnecessary suffering to a dog by hitting it. 

On Wednesday (May 22) he appeared at Inner London Crown Court and was jailed for three years and three months for being the owner of a dangerously out-of-control dog which caused injury. 

Your Local Guardian: A judge said Moore is utterly unsuited to owning a dogA judge said Moore is utterly unsuited to owning a dog (Image: Met Police)

Sorry mate, I can’t

The attack took place at around 6pm on September 22 last year – the day before hundreds of demonstrators marched through London protesting against the so-called XL Bully ban. 

The victim, Birch Kalawa, was walking through Pasley Park on his way to Morrisons to buy baby milk. 

Moore’s off-lead and unmuzzled XL Bully jumped over the roughly two-feet tall fence enclosing the dog area of the park.

Judge David Richards said: “The dog ran at him, put its paws at his chest – the dog being as tall as a man – and that combined with the slippery surface caused him to fall to his knees.” 

The dog then locked its jaw around Mr Kalawa’s left arm and shook him while he screamed in pain. 

Moore tried to intervene but was knocked over by the dog, who then turned its attention to Mr Kalawa’s other arm. 

Judge Richards told Moore: “Eventually you got a chain and pulled the dog off, then you went to leave. 

“Mr Kalawa didn’t ask you to stay but he said can you call an ambulance, and you replied ‘sorry mate I can’t’ and left, demonstrating a callous disregard for Mr Kalawa, the victim of your dog. 

“You then ran off past the school leaving your victim in agony.” 

Your Local Guardian: The attack took place the day before protests against the so-called 'XL Bully' banThe attack took place the day before protests against the so-called 'XL Bully' ban (Image: PA)Members of the public who heard his screams then came to help Mr Kalawa, the court heard. 

He was given gas and morphine before being rushed to hospital. 

Mr Kalawa has been left with severe lacerations to his arms and back. 

“To give an example of how severe his injuries were, the tissue connecting muscle to his bone on his left arm appeared to be protruding when it was examined,” Judge Richards said. 

Mr Kalawa has not been able to work since the attack and said he struggles to do simple things like pick his daughter up or take her to the park. 

'I’m sorry for the actions of my dog’ 

Moore later handed himself in to police and was charged with being the owner of a dog that was dangerously out of control. 

But the case went to trial in April as Moore continued to deny it was him. 

A jury found him guilty and at his sentencing hearing he admitted through his barrister, Violet Smart, that it was him in the park that day.

“I’m sorry for the actions of my dog and that it is a constant reminder of your suffering. I did my best to stop the dog but unfortunately I wasn’t able to,” Moore asked Ms Smart to say on his behalf. “If I could turn back time I would.” 

Ms Smart said Moore had grown up in care and that because of this experience he is inclined to love dogs that other people didn’t. 

The court heard that he was first convicted of being the owner of a dangerously out of control dog causing injury in 2012. 

Then in February 2022 he was convicted of the same offence again after another of his dogs, a Rottweiler, attacked a member of the public in a park. On that occasion he did not flee the scene. 

In January 2021 he was also fined for causing unnecessary suffering to a dog after he “struck it with an object”. 

Dog ban 

Judge Richards sentenced Moore to three years and three months in prison. 

“I am told you are remorseful and that you would write to Mr Kalawa about what your dog did. But really, this is about what you did,” Judge Richards said. 

“You knew all too well that harm this dog could do and you took a two-to-three foot tall fence as sufficient security for everyone else in the park.  

“You knew the dangers but your ownership of a big dog trumps everyone else's safety. 

“You are utterly unsuited to owning a dog, and you pose a danger to the public by owning dogs.” 

Judge Richards also banned Moore from owning a dog for 10 years.