A Croydon primary school that is “warm, inclusive, and welcoming” continues to be rated “good” by Ofsted after its recent inspection.

Ridgeway Primary School was last inspected on March 5 and 6 and the report was published on May 13.

The school was last inspected in 2018 when inspectors also rated it as good.

Inspectors began the report by stating that the school “strives for every child to be successful” and staff “encourage pupils to follow the school the school values”.

They described the school as “warm, inclusive, and welcoming” where pupils “feel safe and are confident staff will help them with any concerns or problems”.

Behaviour was described as “positive” both in lessons and at social times.

Inspectors were impressed by leaders who set clear expectations so that pupils receive extra help and support.

The school provides pupils with many opportunities to take on responsibilities, such as supporting younger children to read.

Parents and carers are very positive about Ridgeway Primary School and leaders make “considerable efforts to work with the community”.

Ofsted credited teachers for “developing pupils’ curiosity and love of learning”.

Teachers spot misconceptions and act quickly to address these.

For example, Year 6 pupils can explain the details of a food chain in science.

However, inspectors noted that, in some subjects, “the key content that pupils need to know and the order they learn it in is not identified as clearly”.

They added: “When this happens, pupils struggle to build on previous learning securely.

“This limits pupils’ development of deeper subject-specific knowledge and skills.”

Inspectors were impressed by how the school tackled attendance.

They said: “Leaders are tenacious in investigating absence from school.

“They identify any patterns for absence and follow up very carefully.

“As a result, attendance has improved in recent years since COVID-19.”

Ofsted ended their report by praising governors for their knowledge about their strengths and areas of improvements.

Ridgeway Primary School was approached for a comment.