A woman has been charged with burgling a nursery in Croydon. 

Shakira Gerber, 31, of no fixed abode, is accused of burgling the nursery on Tuesday morning (July 9). 

Gerber is also charged with a separate burglary of a coat from a flat on Kidderminster Road in Croydon on March 30. 

She will appear at Croydon Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday (July 10) to answer the charges. 

On Tuesday South Area Croydon Police said: “Early this morning, officers arrested a suspect for Burglary at an educational premise. 

“The suspect is currently in custody where the investigation is ongoing.” 

On Wednesday an update said: “Shakira Gerber has been charged and remanded for Burglary. 

“This is in connection with yesterday's post concerning an educational setting, which we can now confirm to be a nursery. 

“She will be attending court today to answer to the charge.