10 Croydon primary schools and three secondary schools have received new ratings from Ofsted after inspections in the last three months.

Ofsted inspects and regulates schools, colleges and childcare providers all over the country.

It evaluates the qualities of education and service to ensure they reach a certain standard.

Ofsted uses a four-point scale to rate and assess, with the top tier being outstanding, followed by good, requires improvement, and then inadequate.

In Croydon, there are no schools currently rated inadequate.

We have listed the latest outstanding, good, and requiring improvement schools in Croydon based on Ofsted ratings.

We have only included reports that were published after our latest round-up on April 10, 2024.


Bensham Manor School – July 4

Chipstead Valley Primary School – June 21


Downsview Primary and Nursery School – July 12

Al-Khair Secondary School – July 10

Abingdon House School Purley – July 9

Regina Coeli Catholic Primary School – June 28

Chaffinch Brook School – June 13

Ridgeway Primary School – May 13

Whitehorse Manor Infant School – May 3

Good Shepherd Catholic Primary and Nursery School – April 25

Requires Improvement:

St Nicholas School – June 28

Coulsdon Church of England Primary School – June 27

Kensington Avenue Primary School – May 13