A new plan to protect women and girls from violence in Croydon has been launched.

Developing partnerships and early intervention to provide support before violence escalates are among the priorities in a new plan to protect Croydon’s women and girls from violence.

Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) is one of the most significant crimes in Croydon that harms many residents every year.

Executive Mayor Jason Perry has made tackling VAWG a key priority in his Business Plan.

The new delivery plan, which the borough council's Cabinet approved on July 24, sets out a plan of action to make Croydon safer for women and girls.

It is aimed to help improve services and address barriers preventing women from accessing them.

Croydon Council has been working with key partners – such as the police, probation, health, education, voluntary and charity groups – and residents, to listen to their views and inform the priorities, which are:

  1. Strengthening prevention and early intervention through educating communities and early support.
  2. Pursue perpetrators (led by the Police’s Borough Commander) holding them accountable for their actions and ensuring they face justice.
  3. Supporting and protecting survivors and their families; offering services to help them rebuild their lives.
  4. Partnership working and enhancing community response (led by representatives from the Safer Neighbourhood Board) – collaborating with local organisations and the community to provide a collective response.

The report also highlights some of the achievements already this year, including the Family Justice Service’s (formerly Family Justice Centre) VAWG hub handling 1,500 referrals a year, and training more than 200 practitioners a year in partner organisations in how to identify domestic abuse and sexual violence.

Mr Perry said: "In Croydon, we believe every woman and girl has the right to live free from violence and fear.

"Our community is coming together to make this a reality.

“We are setting out how the council will work with our voluntary and community partners – which is crucial – to provide victims and survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence with the support they need when they need it.

“We call on everyone in Croydon to engage with our delivery plan, support victims, and stand together against violence.

“If you or someone you know is affected by violence, reach out for help.

“Visit our website for more information on the services available."