Burgers and ice creams could be coming to Wallington as McDonald's has submitted plans for a new branch, but some residents aren’t happy.

McDonald’s has applied to Sutton Council to turn the former Barclays Bank on Woodcote Road into a McDonald’s restaurant and takeaway.

If approved, McDonald's would have a dining area with space for 50 people.

It would also create around 120 jobs - 90 of these jobs will be part-time while 30 of them will be full-time.

The proposal suggests replacing the roof of the former bank to make it more appropriate for a kitchen.

Customers would be able to park in the existing car park at the back of the building.

McDonald’s stated that is project would “benefit Wallington”.

However, some residents have submitted objections on the Sutton Council website to this application.

Many residents felt that Wallington did not need an additional fast-food restaurant.

Jess Roebuck-Slaney, a resident of Wallington, objected to the application.

She said: “I object to the notion that Wallington would benefit from a McDonald's.

“The high street needs support from the council to enable independent business to thrive.

“The high street has fast food options already, there's litter issues in the high street and we are already overrun with Deliveroo mopeds.

“McDonald's will cause an inordinate number of environmental issues.”

Alan Drinkall, another Wallington resident, said: “Wallington does not need another fast-food outlet.

“There is a McDonald's nearby, and the high street is already covered in litter.

“This will make it worse, and everywhere a McDonald's opens, trouble is not far behind.”

Resident Lorraine Pilliner also felt that it was unnecessary for another fast-food restaurant to come to Wallington, saying: “The restaurant stands in a prime position within the town and no doubt hope to attract the custom of the hundreds of school children that pass-through Wallington.

“Such a move goes against local and indeed national attempts to improve the health of children let alone parents and schools trying to encourage healthy eating.

“In addition, such a restaurant will lead to more rubbish, unsightly signage and potentially anti-social behaviour.

“The local authority already struggles to manage these problems in particular rubbish removal and cleaning and allowing this restaurant will only make matters worse.”

However, some residents supported the application, with Wallington resident Eugene Morris saying: “I support this as it creates more consumers to Wallington and brings local jobs to the area.”

199 objections have been submitted with only eight supporters.

Sutton Council has not yet decided whether to approve or reject the application.