A man from Croydon is set to climb one of the world’s tallest mountains for doctors who treat patients in conflict zones.

In late 2023, Joel Ortiz-Vasquez set a New Year's Resolution to raise money for charity by climbing a mountain.

Joel has decided to put this goal into action, so in October, he is due to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania for Doctors Without Borders, a charity where doctors provide medical assistance, regardless of ethnicity and personal views.

The 31-year-old said: “I’ve been very shocked and upset by the whole situation in the world when it comes to wars and conflicts.

“And, living in Croydon, I’ve met some of the people who fled, and it’s been very upsetting to see that this can happen.

“I remember growing up and things were relatively peaceful, and then you see the aftermath of it.”

When Joel was travelling on holiday, he saw Ukrainian and Palestinian refugees fleeing, which he says opened his eyes to the fact that “people are suffering”.

Joel’s family came to the UK as refugees from Colombia, and he moved with them to Croydon at the age of four.

Joel added: “I’ve always been conscious of how lucky we are to live in a country like the UK.

“It’s open and welcoming to people and gives you opportunity.

“So, I thought I’d like to do something about the people suffering, and I was looking into climbing Mount Kilimanjaro because that’s something I’ve always wanted to do.”

Joel discovered that he was able to do this, but only on the condition that he’d be raising money for charity.

Joel said: “I had met a Ukrainian refugee in London, and that instantly came to mind.

“I thought ‘what can I do to not help that person, but help the people where they came from?’

“And I did some research and I found Doctors Without Borders.”

Joel said he was inspired by Doctors Without Borders’ work because they do a lot of medical work overseas.

Joel is a Senior Membership Services Advisor for a medical insurance company, and he said that his job inspired him even more, saying: “The work of doctors is pretty incredible”.

He added: “I thought it was the perfect way to raise money in 2024, where things have gone so bad.”

Joel has never climbed a mountain as high as Mount Kilimanjaro – which stands at more than 19,000 feet.

He has climbed Scafell Pike in the Lake District, England's tallest mountain, which is more than five times shorter than Kilimanjaro.

Joel aims to raise £3,500, and in July, he raised £1,163.

The entire idea came from a New Year’s Resolution that Joel set.

He said: “I was looking at ways to challenge myself and something new to do.

“And that’s where it all started.

“I didn’t want to be the person who says, ‘I’ll go to the gym’ and then never go to the gym.”

Joel will start his course on October 19.

He added: “I feel like it’s important to give back because I feel grateful for what I’ve gotten.”

Anyone can help Joel reach his target by donating on his JustGiving page.